The Handbags Blog is a place where the bag lover community can meet and discuss the latest trends and news about the bags that “make you happy.” If you love fashion and want to keep up with the newest trends, then you should consider signing up for the blog. You can also find news about fashion industry happenings and new releases. And who can blame you? A bag lover cannot live without a bag, right? It’s the ultimate source of inspiration.


Alvin Cher, aka Bagaholicboy, is an international blogger and fashion maven. After quitting his position as the creative director of a small magazine publishing company, Cher pursued his passion for bags and fashion. He has front-row seats to several international fashion weeks, but he doesn’t like to put a face to his indulgence. Instead, he shares his love of bags with the world on his blog, which is well-liked by international fashion audiences.

Alvin Cher is a full-time blogger, and is considered one of the world’s leading bloggers on bags. He writes about bag releases and reviews, and interacts with his readers. Bagaholicboy has been featured in Harper’s Bazaar, HerWorld, and Style Magazine. Aside from his bag reviews, he also hosts fashion shows, allowing readers to see what he’s wearing.


If you love bags and want to see what’s hot and what’s not, Bagaholicgirl’s Handbags blog is for you. Founded in 2005 by a self-proclaimed bag enthusiast, it focuses on commentary, not product promotion. The author, Ingrid Chau-Go, is funny and smart, and clearly knows her stuff when it comes to handbags. Her posts are honest and oftentimes relate to food and travel.