In the series, Johnny The Healer, a drug addict, alcoholic, and sexual abuser, travels to the town of his final client to begin the healing process. As a result of the client’s treatment, Johnny has begun to experiment with alternative methods of healing. He begins to learn about Reiki, an ancient Japanese technique. The results of his work are astounding. And the series has won over many fans. While many viewers find this series highly entertaining, others have been skeptical.

Johnny Tabaie

When he was young, Johnny The Healer Tabaie’s mother died of a drug overdose. A few years later, his brother committed suicide while in rehab in California. After such tragedy, Tabaie’s life spiraled out of control. For the next 20 years, Tabaie battled with depression, addiction, and trauma, as well as the disease model that mainstream medicine prescribes for recovering addicts.

Pouyan Method

The Pouyan Method is a powerful way to heal and reprogram your brain. This program heals emotional trauma and PTSD with plant medicines, strengthens your immune system, activates stem cells, and teaches a holistic lifestyle. While it might seem like an oxymoron, it actually works. It works by repairing and reprogramming your brain from the inside out. Here’s how.


Ibogaine for Johnny The Healer is an incredibly effective form of treatment for people suffering from addiction. The plant-based medicine has been used for thousands of years by people all over the world. While it’s illegal in the United States and Belgium, westerners have increasingly been seeking it out for addiction treatment. Its high success rate is not surprising, given that it treats the underlying problem. But how does it work?

Stem Cell Therapy

After a patient was severely injured following an injection of a similar product, he filed a lawsuit against Genetech and Liveyon. The FDA has not yet issued a warning letter to Liveyon or his company. The agency is not currently spending resources on a comprehensive crackdown on the stem cell industry. But it will be watching closely. In the meantime, the company is still making headlines.

Ibogaine facility in Bajo California

In Bajo California, there are several Ibogaine facilities. Johnny The Healer is one of them. The program takes place in the Bajo Valley and is considered one of the best in the world. The program requires a minimum stay of four weeks, and includes 150 hours of private holistic therapy. In addition, patients receive a full medical detox program, complete with emergency room doctors, and 99.5% pre-HCL Ibogaine.