If your dog breath smells like poop, you’re probably wondering why. There are several possible causes. These include dental disease, kidney disease, and irritable bowel syndrome. Thankfully, there are some simple remedies for the problem. In this article, we’ll discuss some of them.


Coprophagia is a condition where dogs feed on their own excrement. It is also possible for dogs to ingest the excrement of other dogs or animals. This can expose your dog to various diseases and parasites. Thankfully, there are ways to prevent this problem from affecting your dog.

There are a variety of causes of this disorder. In some cases, the dog eats its own poop, while in other cases, it ingests a dead animal or rotting food. This can be an early sign of a more serious problem. For instance, a dog that has been kept indoors for long periods of time may start to eat its own poop.

Other causes include intestinal parasites. These parasites feed on the nutrients in the intestines. Sometimes, coprophagia can be the result of vitamin and mineral deficiencies or digestive enzyme deficiency. Fortunately, a blood test can help diagnose coprophagia and pinpoint the best course of treatment.

Dental disease

Dogs’ breath can smell like poop if they have dental problems, which can be difficult to diagnose. Dogs can develop bad breath if they have rotting teeth and other dental issues, including gum disease and tooth decay. If you notice your dog drooling excessively or having a foul odor, it’s time to see your veterinarian.

Dental disease is a condition caused by the buildup of plaque and tartar on teeth and gums. This causes bad breath, which can lead to a host of other symptoms in dogs. It can affect a dog’s heart, kidneys, and even its brain. While there are many causes for foul dog breath, dental disease is the most common one.

To determine whether dental disease is the cause of bad breath, your veterinarian can do a thorough exam to identify the problem and provide treatment options. A full dental cleaning under general anesthesia may be required to remove the tartar and plaque. A dentist may also need to remove teeth that are loose or damaged if the problem is caused by periodontal disease.

Kidney disease

Dog breath that smells like poop and urine can be a sign of underlying health issues in your pooch. While bad breath in dogs is not a life-threatening emergency, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. A dog with bad breath can also have other symptoms of kidney disease or liver disease, which both require prompt treatment.

Dog breath that smells like poop and urine is a sign of kidney failure. When the kidneys are malfunctioning, urea builds up in the blood, making the breath smell like ammonia. This condition can even cause ulcers in the mouth. If not treated quickly, the odor can become serious and may require surgery.

The first step is seeing a veterinarian. Your vet can perform tests to determine the root cause. A blood test can detect elevated levels of creatinine and urea, which are markers of kidney disease. Urine tests can also detect diabetes. However, blood tests can be inaccurate or falsely positive in cases of high stress.

Irritable bowel syndrome

If you notice that your dog’s breath often smells like poop, the problem may be irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This disorder affects the gastrointestinal tract and can cause many symptoms. The most common symptom of IBS is pain in the stomach. In some cases, the bowels can become bloated and produce a smelly poop odor. Your vet can suggest changes to your dog’s diet that will help alleviate the problem.

If you suspect that your dog is suffering from IBS, you should see your veterinarian as soon as possible. Your veterinarian can order blood and stool analysis to determine if your dog is experiencing this condition. However, these tests cannot tell you the exact cause of the problem. In some cases, further tests may be required to determine whether IBS is a symptom of another ailment.

Another cause of a foul-smelling breath in dogs is dental disease. Dental disease is one of the most common medical problems in dogs, with 80 percent of dogs having some form of gum disease by age three. This condition results from the buildup of bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria then create a substance called tartar, which can cause tooth decay and bad breath.